Dear Members and Friends,
2012 is ending. No scoop about the end of the world, but some news on its condition.
We are proposing two articles, which will give you thoughts to share with your friends. Solutions do exist, but they all ultimately depend on choices our politicians will make. A question of will-power.
First, try to imagine the noise we disperse into our oceans with our incessant economic and military activities, or recreation, and the impact it has on cetaceans.
Second, another subject worries us: seed patents. This is the battle of the “earthen pot” which leads associations such as Kokopelli and Navdanya against the “iron pot” represented by the political agrochemical lobby.
Shark Alliance, whose TENDUA is a member, is waiting for the plenary vote of the European Commission, which will amend the current legislation against the finning on November 22, still very lax in Europe.
The illegal trade of endangered species is one of the top 5 illegal trades among drugs, weapons and counterfeiting ; the rhino and the elephant are victims of this illegal trade ; if we don’t stop this illegal trade NOW, these species are going to dissapear as wild species within the 10 coming years.
Finally some dates in our calendar, and our pink notebook shows us a picture of a jabiru Dad giving a fishing lesson to his three offspring!