TENDUA - Association for biodiversity conservation

Newsletter n°13 -August 2015

Our newsletter is evolving and we submit to your perusal a new format: new sections, more pictures and illustrations, and more links to information sources.
You will find some «WORLD NEWS», i.e. recently published articles on topics as varied as: the oceans are in danger, global warming, the result of a study on killer whales and illegal trafficking of species.
In «TENDUA’s FRENCH NEWS», few words about our actions in France , including the overseas departments and territories. This month, Focus on the island of Reunion and its shark fishing, and on “the absurd and outrageous attempt by the government to downgrade the wolf.” It is also an opportunity to thank the mini-company “Eco Phenix” from the College Paul Bert of Chatou for his contribution to conservations projects supported by TENDUA!
BREAKING NEWS on PROJECTS financially supported by TENDUA to know more about the progress of these programs.
Finally, you will find our agenda : next November TENDUA organises a photo exhibition Beautés naturelles in Paris and our pink book about lions that are in danger of extinction.

Happy reading!

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